Prof. Agron DOGJANI, M.D., Ph.D., FACS, FISS, FICS
- "Professor of Surgery" in the Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Medicine of Tirana, Albania.
- "General Surgeon", University Hospital of Trauma, Tirana, Albania
- "National Chair" of ATLS Albania Course
- "Professor of Surgery" at the Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, the State University of Tetovo, Republic of Northern Macedonia.
- "Graduated" from the Faculty of Medicine, the State University of Tirana in 1989, and completed the full postgraduate specialization program for "General Surgery" at the Faculty of Medicine, Tirana in 1995, were entitled "General Surgeon".
- Completed various specializations in Germany, the USA, Austria, Greece .., etc. to complete his education in the field of surgery and scientific research...
- Fields of interest are General Surgery, Trauma Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery…
- Author & co-author of many books, publications, and scientific papers that have been reviewed in journals, congresses, and symposia...
- President of ASTES (Albanian Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery); https://astes.org.al/
- Fellow of ACS (American College of Surgeon) – FACS - https://www.facs.org
- Fellowship of ISS/SIC (International Society of Surgery)- FISS - http://iss-sic.com/membership/fellowship.html
- Fellow of ICS (International College of Surgeon) FICS - https://www.fics.org
- International Fellow of AAST (The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma) https://www.aast.org
- Active Member of Iatsic - (International Association for Trauma Surgery and Intensive Care)
- National Delegates of Albania to ISS/SIC (International Society of Surgery) since 08/2019.
- National Delegate of ASTES as an Institutional member of the ESTES (European Society for Trauma & Emergency Surgery). https://www.estesonline.org/board/
- National Delegates of Albania to WSES (World Society of Emergency Surgery) https://www.wses.org.uk/national-delegates
Chairman of the editorial board of Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery (AJTES) http://journal.astes.org.al/ - ISSN print 2521-8778; ISSN online 2616- 4922: Tirana, Albania
Member of the editorial board of BMC Surgery - ISSN online 1471-2482: https://bmcsurg.biomedcentral.com/; – London, UK.
Member of the Scientific Committee - ACTA MEDICA BALKANICA, International Journal of Medical Sciences - ISSN: 2545 - 4110 (Print); ISSN: 2545 - 4870 (Online), UDC: 61; https://sites.google.com/unite.edu.mk/acta-medica-balkanica/home Tetovo, RN of Macedonia
- International Instructor of ATLS® Course
- International Faculty of DSTC TM Course
- Instructor PhTLS® Course
- Instructor of BLS & D® Course
- Organizer, moderator, and leader of many events, and conferences in national, regional, and international congresses.
- Email: agrondogjani@yahoo.com: agron.dogjani@umed.edu.al: agrondogjani@gmail.com:
- Mobile; +355692056123; +355698180015
Department of Surgery, “Mother Tereza” University Clinic of Faculty of Medicine, Tirana, Albania,
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