Introduction: In December 2019, the first cases of what would be known as COVID-19, a disease caused by an RNA virus called SARS-CoV-2, were described in China. Its rapid spread prompted the World Health Organization to declare a global pandemic in March 2020. The disease has distinct clinical manifestations, from asymptomatic to critical cases, with quite high mortality. Meanwhile, patients with non-traumatic surgical emergencies (UGD perforation, acute appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, etc.), with traumatic surgical emergencies (TCC, abdominal & chest trauma, Polytrauma…) should be treated in the same Hospital. In this regard, there have been some doubts about how to treat these cases, among them: how to quickly identify the patient with COVID-19, what the impact of surgical abdominal disease and its treatment on the evolution of patients with COVID-19; in addition discussing the role of nonoperative treatment of abdominal disease in these circumstances. In this presentation, we will discuss these issues based on our available data.
Purpose: to inform surgeons and not only about how to provide emergency surgery and care for trauma during stable periods. To manage the urgent treatment of traumatic and non-traumatic patients during the pandemic, this basic guide was developed which recommended surgical emergency management actors based on the best evidence already identified by the Ministry of Health (as directed by WHO or associations relevant in the region and global ranking) The presentation illustrates the general principles for triage and evaluation of patients with traumatic and non-traumatic surgical emergencies during COVID-19, indications for emergency surgery and pandemic control, and infection prevention by medical personnel providing a practical algorithm for the caregiver period. urgent. of Covid19 ...
Conclusions: The emergency trauma care measures we have provided can protect the medical staff involved in emergency care and ensure the timely timing of effective interventions during the outbreak of COVID-19. Surgeons will have to be at the forefront during this terrible pandemic, to manage surgical patients, maintaining the same standards as those we follow in normal situations.
Keywords: Coronavirus, Trauma, acute care Surgery, Infection Prevention
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